
oh no.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Right now I'm really pissed. I have decided that my conception of people is amassed into two principles. 1. Everybody is only something if they are that something completely. 2. Everyone that lives by the first principle is completely and utterly an idiot. Now that I've gone over the basic logistics of my reasoning we can move on to more interesting nonsensical boughs that overextend themselves into my thoughts daily and leave traces of scratches and dirt, only to be laughed at based on their excretions.
I am easily angered, though it rarely permeates through my constant almost abrasive fear of societies standards and proper etiquette and blah blah blah. Right now all of my bound, beaten, stuffed emotions are at the mercy of a thin, stretched membrane close to tearing and emitting a vaporous stench of qualms and ash coated plights. Gasp. Sometimes I stagger for breath in situations like these, but at the same time experiencing the feeling of intense displeasure so that I can relive it time and time again. Why do I elongate my disheartened emotions dry? To thrive in the person that is me; to live a passion so discretely obtained mostly by sadistic pessimistic theorists living in an abyss of idealistic contradictions.

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