
oh no.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

I have been declared dead and now rest in the sunders of disassociation. I love you, and I fabricate the day we will meet. I know not of this yet, but that I hope we will is enough. I can think of you upon a thought, a day dream, a swift envisioning of your presence. Just a touch, oh but if a touch, only one. My eyes lose their strength, they are weakened by the sight of you. You are a captivation, bringing resistance at its end. I wish upon this, that I should be able to look into your soul. Forever at peace you bring me, just a sound, a sound in the silence, your voice can melt me. It would be enough to just be able to look at your face, to see your thoughts. I have fallen to the sides of society, I reside in the cracks beneath the city walls. I see to the fallen souls, paying respect to those of a different kind. The scum of the earth, I see myself. I bring innocent spirits down, I entrap them in a melody of idealism. But forever I shall repent. For this and for you. May you find yourself in the lockets of time. May you wish upon the echoed existence of nature. May you let go of all that has ever had its pending albatross upon your heart. May you think in the daylight and melt your soul with the evening's grace.

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