
oh no.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

As Vidha realised the situation she sucked up all the disolved oxygen her gills could possibly hold and thrust herself into the melody. Aitahei and Hihmele were already engaged in lahvehlte but Vidha didn't care, she took her necklace and stamped it into Aitahei's heart and began the recourse. Hihmele hissed as she drew her kaoimle and drew the spell of darkness, lavehcti. "aee bhee luh nuhculisaa!" she belted at the tip of her head voice. Dark fog surrounded the palace in and through the corridors. "Aitahei, it's me" Vidha gently touched her love and a green light surrounded them. He suddenly woke up out of his trance and felt the pressing darkness of Hihmele, "You, you decieved me, wretched lilthmeki!" he yawned, and fell into a deep sleep. "Too late" Hihmele pounded evilly and smiled her stench smile.

The seconds turned to hours and the melded with the days. A darkness impeded Vidha's thoughts and dreams. She couldn't sleep without feeling the wretched horror that haunted her every disposition. Allelithethe was gone and Vidha had no realization of what was going on in her life but just went into a deep sleep inside of her soul and put her body on auto-pilot. She couldn't feel, she didn't want to. The only thing she longed for was sadness because that was the only thing that could touch her. The trance she put herself in was just the beginning of the weeks to come of numb living. She would wake up in the morning out of her bed, and hold her breath until she felt suffocated sometimes, then gave up and fell back on the elegantly decorated clam-shell. The waves in her hair even felt sorry for her as they resided on the sides of her face in ragged, thin scraps of lifeless dead skin cells.

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