
oh no.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Some people don't believe in the power of psychology, that's only because they have never experienced its worth. Imagination can stay in its mental, dormant state, but to some people, it's alive and physical. Is it just the mind that can home a thought, a feeling, a desire, or can they be provoked physically out of thin air? Psychologically, anything is possible. This is what makes people go insane, this is also what makes people define sanity. The mind has no limits, but only if you let it. I have this theory(because I'm lazy) that everyone gets the same out of life. Everyone experiences all of the good, and bad, that everyone else experiences. Everyone has limits they can handle, and each of those thresholds is met with every existence. If one is born into an environment with certain expectations, they will either fail up to this environments limit, or succeed up to this environments limit. Everything around you are the factors that determine you. There is no such thing as luck, and everything is already predetermined, from the moment you took your first breath. This, of course invokes laziness on my part, and sort of defeats any kind of progressive thought or action.

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